2020 Tesla Model 3 (Solid Black)
Gawwddddd I love black cars but I really hate how they get dusty like 2 minutes after you move it out of the garage. Few typical factory sanding marks aside, this solid black Model 3 was actually one of the better-shape 3’s to have passed through here. This one got a single step polish with some isolated correction as we went along to improve the look, prior to locking it all in with CS2 Titanium and Glassparency on the windshield
Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
CS-II International Dewax
CS2 AIO / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / Oberk Microfiber
CS2 AIO / Rupes iBrid Short Neck / Oberk Microfiber
CS-II International Silicon Remover
CS-II International Titanium Activator / Foam Block / Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Titanium / Microfiber Pad
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)