2020 Tesla Model X (Grey Metallic)
When you want the best, you get the best! Not all coatings on the markets are equal, and I can confidently say that there isn’t anything out there that is like CS2 Titanium. Quite honestly, the marketing of CS2 really sucks, but do the research of who and what shops back this product and it is clear that this is a coating that’ll stay for a long time. The truth will come out eventually, so don’t fall for some of the marketing tactics out there!
Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
CS-II International Dewax
CS2 AIO / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / Oberk Microfiber
CS2 AIO / Rupes iBrid Short Neck / Oberk Microfiber
CS-II International Silicon Remover
CS-II International Titanium Activator / Foam Block / Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Titanium / Microfiber Pad
BlackWOW Pro
CS2 Rim
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)