

Welcome to Detailership (Formerly known as Distictiv_Detailing). We’re constantly updating the website as time allows, so pardon our dust - but feel free to poke around the website! You can reach us via the social media links below, or via the Contact Us page over to the left. 

2000 Lexus ES300 (Black Onyx)

2000 Lexus ES300 (Black Onyx)

Not too shabby for a same day turnaround on a 21yr old car. The body shop that this car last visited decided to give the car a “complimentary wash”. Two step polish on this one to significantly improve the finish and then topped it off with a simple sealant. Perfection wasn’t the expectation nor is it realistic, but it certainly looks like a whole different car now.

2021 Tesla Model Y (Multicoat White)

2021 Tesla Model Y (Multicoat White)

2001 Toyota MR-S (Black)

2001 Toyota MR-S (Black)