2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance (Multicoat White)
Feels like it’s been a while since touching a Model 3, it felt like a weekly thing earlier last year. In today is a new 2021 refreshed Model 3, just a few days old. Her old car use to have Ceramic Pro on it installed by another shop, but this time around she opted for CS2 Titanium, which side by side looks incredibly better. Also, theres no required annual maintenance or toppers either. Just wash your car regularly and keep it clean as often as possible and the coating will continue to perform. At some point, a decontamination service would be recommended, how long until that is needed really depends on how well you’ve kept up with cleaning your car.
Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
CS-II International Dewax
CS2 AIO / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / Oberk MF
CS2 AIO/ Rupes iBrid Short Neck / Oberk MF
CS-II International Silicon Remover
CS-II International Titanium Activator / Foam Block / Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Titanium / Microfiber Pad
CS2 ClearVue
CS2 Leather
CS2 Rim
GSWF Defender Platinum PPF
BlackWOW Pro
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)