2019 Tesla Model 3 (Grey Metallic) — DETAILERSHIP™


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2019 Tesla Model 3 (Grey Metallic)

2019 Tesla Model 3 (Grey Metallic)

Got so caught up with beating the heat that I forgot to take before pictures! We got Roberto’s in this weekend to protect it from outside elements; the painted surfaces from UV, but also him, his wife, and his new baby inside from UV. The exterior got a single step polish with Opticoat Pro 5yr coating, and we teamed up with JLenin to get the windows tinted with Rayno S9 (92%+ IR Rejection); 30% in the rears and 50% in the fronts. We also wrapped the center console in Satin Black vinyl to eliminate the pesky, scratch-prone glossy black oem finish, and applied the owner-supplied screen protector to the center console screen. The car is looking proper now!

2016 Tesla Model S (Grey)

2016 Tesla Model S (Grey)

2019 Tesla Model 3 (Solid Black)

2019 Tesla Model 3 (Solid Black)