2019 Tesla Model 3 (Blue)
INSANE mode? The Model 3 has got it too, INSANE gloss that is! This is Deepak’s new Model 3, and also his first vehicle purchase in a long time; his previous vehicles were all leases. And, he also intends to keep this car for a very long time, so we decided to go with CS2 Titanium to cover his exterior bases, and CS2 Clearvue on all of his glass. The vehicle came in for a the basic prep and application, although we spent a little extra time spot correcting a few trouble spots before proceeding with the included single step polish. We think the little extra effort added really adds to the final ummmphhh that this prep and coating delivers.
CS-II International Dewax
CS-II Glaze 12000 (Not a glaze) / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / LC Orange
TLD Last Cut / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / MF Cutting
TLD Last Cut / Rupes iBrid Short Neck 2” / MF Finishing
CS-II International Silicon Remover
CS-II International Titanium Activator / Microfiber Applicator
CS-II International Titanium / Microfiber Applicator
CS-II Clearvue / Microfiber Suede
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)