2022 Tesla Model Y (Black)
Want your paint to look nearly flawless all the time? Self healing paint protection film is like an iPhone screen protector for your phone - a flexible, sacrificial and replaceable barrier protecting it from damages all while keeping it scratch and swirl free all the time!
Full body custom PPF on this one, which on solid black makes extra sense since it literally shows everything
Also installed the Adro carbon fiber rear diffuser while we had it. The instructions call for quite a bit of adhesive promoter, something that we’re quite against using since it destroys your paint. Fortunately we installed PPF over the whole car so the promoter is on the film and not the paint.
Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
CS-II International Dewax
Legend Prime
GSWF 70%/30% Smoked PPF
CS2 TitaniumSH Base
Optimum Ferrex