2019 Tesla Model 3 (Multicoat Red)
Same same but different color this time. This one actually belongs to the roomate of the white Model 3 that we did a few days ago. In for the exact same package, except that this one required quite a bit more prep work. The car had been through the body shop some work before, who decided to leave their autograph all over at least half of the car; haze, polish residue, textural differences, non-matching paint, and clear coat overspray. We took care of what we are able to take care of, before prepping the car for it’s coating. CS2 Titanium really looks amazing on Multicoat Red, what do you think?
Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
CS-II International Dewax
The Last Detail TLC / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / MF Cutting
CS2 AIO / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / Lake Country Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Silicon Remover
CS-II International Titanium Activator / Foam Block / Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Titanium / Microfiber Pad
CS-II International Rim / Microfiber Pad
CS2 ClearVue
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)
My program kept crashing while putting this one together; and it didn't save every time. So, it felt appropriate to update the song to N'sync - Tearin' up my heart.