2018 Tesla Model 3 (Red)
Optimum Opti-coat Pro application is the strongest protection available for a vehicle’s clear coat. Unlike waxes and sealants, Opti-Coat Pro is applied once, and lasts for the entire lifespan of the paint. It comes with an optional five year warranty and is truly scratch and swirl resistant. It strengthens the clear-coat by roughly 10x, and is only available to authorized installers by Optimum Car Care.
Tesla’s red really pops after a good polish! In today is Carol’s Model 3, upon drop off the car seemed to be in pretty good shape, but may have been masked by the slight overcast. Upon bringing it in under the lights, the paint has definitely seen better days (and after discovering the evil California Duster in the frunk!). We ended up stepping up with an additional step of polish on most panels to really get the paint looking proper, and then sealed and coated it all in with Opticoat Pro+ for many many many many many many many years. Happy to have service’d Mrs. Monorail!
Optimum No Rinse Wash + Grit Guard & Ultra Plush MF
Optimum Primer Polish / Rupes LHR21ES 6.5″ Mark II / Orange
The Last Detail / The Final Cut Finishing Compound / MF Cutting
Optimum Paint Prep
Optimum Opticoat Pro / Foam Block / Microfiber Suede
Optimum Opticoat Pro+ / Foam Block / Microfiber Applicator
Nanoskin Autoscrub / ONRWS
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax (Jambs)